An Evidence Based Approach to Treating Back Pain

All Roads Lead to Load

Strength training, or loading, should be part of everyone’s weekly routine. Regardless of the activities you enjoy, your risk of injury and pain with decrease with improving strength, and your performance in whatever it is you enjoy will only get better. This is especially true of endurance athletes that desire longevity, to continue activity into old age.

Passive treatments (massage, adjustments, pain medication, needling, etc) may feel good and be an integral part of the rehab process, but using them as a maintenance strategy doesn’t cut it. You have to load and address imbalances that lead your body to guard and feel tight in the first place. Those things are tools to calm the body down to be able to initiate the loading process. The human body can be trained to be resilient and will adapt to loading. Passive interventions are just short term relief.

Research is clear that strength training around your pain while avoiding your triggers is the most effective way to get out of pain and build resiliency. Coupled with cardiovascular exercise you’ll get even better results.

The same few joint mobilizations and stretchy band exercises often do not cut it for my clients. At Empower PT, we’re on the forefront of applying the research to get you the best results.

If you’ve never lifted weights before but want to learn how in a way that won’t leave your body beat up and in pain, I started Empower PT for you.

If you’re an active gym junkie, but are dealing with aches and pains, odds are there’s an imbalance in your programming, and / or you have mobility/stability/recruitment imbalances that need to be addressed. I started Empower PT for you.

We focus on optimizing your movement patterns with intelligent programming, progressing your load capacity without sacrificing your joints in the process. If you sacrifice joint health for short term strength gains, you’ll lose both in the long run.


It can be hard to find good help.


Tendon Pain