Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

Mobility vs Stability: Bellingham’s Full Body Approach to Health, Wellness, and Physical Therapy

Mobility is simply the freedom to move through full range of motion. Stability is both strength and motor control. Most who do a lot of strengthening and have full range of motion but still struggle with pain often have motor control deficits or an inability to move optimally and control that motion through full range. A balance of both joint mobility and stability are important for preventing injury, however, the specific needs for each joint can vary…

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

What is Sport Cupping or Myofascial Decompression (MFD) and why does it work?

Cupping and Myofascial Decompression (MFD) use negative pressure forces with suction to lift the tissues. This creates space within the tissue layers for improved gliding and mobility yielding increased range of motion and flexibility. Decompression helps release tight tissues and trigger points, improve blood flow and nutrient exchange, reduce inflammation, increase tissue hydration, and create a change to the neuromuscular system which allows for pain relief.

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

Low Back Pain, Disc Herniation, Sciatica Treatment Bellingham

It’s been 10 years since I had my bad back injury. For me it was having my back slammed on the concrete playing basketball with very large humans. My left leg immediately started giving out on me. I had been active with weightlifting doing CrossFit and Olympic lifts the 3 years leading up to this event. I was unable to return to weightlifting without intense low back pain at the time. As a 22-year-old, I didn’t know anything about navigating back pain. I was at the mercy of the healthcare providers I was referred to.

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

Bellingham Headache Relief

Physical therapy by someone skilled in joint manipulations and exercise prescription (yours truly) is the answer to headaches that come from the neck. It can also help with tension type headaches. Many who think they have migraines actually have headaches from the neck that can be treated.

I've helped people who have lived with chronic headaches for 20+ years. There may be a treatment for yours that doesn't involve injecting botox or getting your neck cracked over and over for weeks.

If there's a true aura, it's a migraine and you'd be best served by finding a dietitian certified LEAP therapist.

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

It can be hard to find good help.

It can be hard to find good help.

We're the right fit for professional caliber athletes because we devote the time and attention to detail that they need, we have an elite skill set, and we treat the whole person.

Thank you @bigairmare for entrusting your healthcare to us.

We take an approach that's different from traditional PT clinics as we've found it to be most effective for active people.

If you're interested in how our approach is likely best for you, schedule a free discovery call

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

An Evidence Based Approach to Treating Back Pain

Strength training, or loading, should be part of everyone’s weekly routine. Regardless of the activities you enjoy, your risk of injury and pain with decrease with improving strength, and your performance in whatever it is you enjoy will only get better. This is especially true of endurance athletes that desire longevity, to continue activity into old age.

Passive treatments (massage, adjustments, pain medication, needling, etc) may feel good and be an integral part of the rehab process, but using them as a maintenance strategy doesn’t cut it. You have to load and address imbalances that lead your body to guard and feel tight in the first place. Those things are tools to calm the body down to be able to initiate the loading process. The human body can be trained to be resilient and will adapt to loading. Passive interventions are just short term relief.

Research is clear that strength training around your pain while avoiding your triggers is the most effective way to get out of pain and build resiliency. Coupled with cardiovascular exercise you’ll get even better results.

The same few joint mobilizations and stretchy band exercises often do not cut it for my clients. At Empower PT, we’re on the forefront of applying the research to get you the best results.

If you’ve never lifted weights before but want to learn how in a way that won’t leave your body beat up and in pain, I started Empower PT for you.

If you’re an active gym junkie, but are dealing with aches and pains, odds are there’s an imbalance in your programming, and / or you have mobility/stability/recruitment imbalances that need to be addressed. I started Empower PT for you.

We focus on optimizing your movement patterns with intelligent programming, progressing your load capacity without sacrificing your joints in the process. If you sacrifice joint health for short term strength gains, you’ll lose both in the long run.

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Benjamin Mahoney Benjamin Mahoney

The Logo

Huge shout out to my brother in law Gary Jones for making this amazing logo for Empower Physical Therapy!

This logo was inspired by one of my favorite backpacking moments at Image Lake overlooking Glacier Peak.

As a family, we believe it's important to do hard things together because that is where growth transpires, challenges are overcome, and deep rooted bonds form. The same can be said for physical therapy.

Some of the most joyful moments in my life occurred backpacking. Having all of the material things stripped down to the pure essentials of life clears the mind of distractions and enables me to focus fully on the people I'm with and the beauty of creation.

Moments like this are why I train.

Long term reasons for why I train:

  • I want to be able to thru hike the PCT with my son someday.

  • I want to be able to continue backpacking with toddlers.

  • I want to be able to keep up with my kids when they get into sports.

Short term reasons:

  • Reduced pain

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mental health

  • Enhanced sleep quality

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