Bellingham Headache Relief

There are several different types of headaches, many headaches that come from the neck are misdiagnosed as migraines or tension type headaches and I treat them all the time. Treatment often looks like neck and upper back manipulations / osteopractic adjustments, muscle and fascia release, and exercise prescription to improve blood flow and reduce stressors to the nerves traveling from the upper neck to the eye, jaw, and forehead. I've helped people resolve their headaches who have lived with them for 20+ years. There may be a treatment for yours that doesn't involve injecting botox or getting your neck cracked over and over for weeks. Research has shown that manipulations are most effective for the first 6 weeks of treatment for the neck. If it’s not followed by exercises to retrain muscles, then it’s not a complete treatment and the body will likely default back to guarding patterns triggering more headaches. We like long term fixes and Empowering patients. If botox provides relief…then it’s a muscle and nerve dysfunction coming from the neck and treating the neck is the healthiest answer. Headaches coming from the neck are resolved with 6 visits of physical therapy on average. Tension type headaches also benefit from physical therapy, but not to the same degree as cervicogenic (originating from the neck) headaches.

If there's a true aura, it's a migraine and you'd be best served by finding a dietitian certified LEAP therapist or a naturopathic doctor who does food sensitivity testing and migraine management coaching.


Low Back Pain, Disc Herniation, Sciatica Treatment Bellingham


It can be hard to find good help.